Clown and Voice

Clown and Voice                         

14.-18th September


“An essential course for grounding your experience of clowning”


Through our voice, we deepen our clown’s emotional commitment to life and we create out of thin air the images and stories that make up our identity and our lives.

Join us on this powerful journey of discovery.

For more information on the voice work visit

The group is limited to 12.

All welcomed

Facilitators: David Goldsworthy/Vivian Gladwell


Zeiten: 9-17 hr, am letzten Tag -13 hr


Teilnehmerzahl 12
Mindestalter 18
Kurssprache Englisch
Workshopgebühr: €425

Earlybirds bis 1.Mai 2020 und Studenten €375


Anmeldungen für diesen Workshop können erstmal per Mail an    gemacht werden. Zahlungsmodalitäten folgen. 


Bitte beachten:

Eine Anmeldung ist verbindlich, wenn in der Mail: "Ich melde mich hiermit verbindlich an" steht. Die Workshopgebühr wird nach Rechnungsstellung fällig. Der Workshop findet ab einer Mindestteilnehmerzahl von 10 Clowns statt. Für den Fall, dass der Workshop ausfällt, werden bereits bezahlte Beträge zurückerstattet. Wenn ein Ersatzteilnehmer gefunden wird, wird die Workshopgebühr bei Stornierung zurückerstattet.




David Goldsworthy

David Goldsworthy joined ROY HART in 1969 and was director of the Roy Hart Centre in France for many years. The central elements of his teaching is to free the voice through exploration and improvisation.

“I believe that voice teaching is a way of meeting, of exchanging and of mutual learning. In my view there are no good or bad singers! Vocal virtuosity is not the ultimate aim of the work. It is important not only to develop the voice, but also to develop oneself through the voice. In order to evolve vocally and artistically I believe it is necessary to make friends with one’s weaknesses and to integrate the physical and mental disciplines which give freedom to the imagination and to creative expression.”

David Goldsworthy was born in Newcastle 1945. He always loved music (especially jazz and blues, folk singing, rock and roll!), but studied engineering at Manchester University (where he sang and played sax and harmonica in a blues band). He wanted to become a photographer and worked for 2 years in the oil fields of the North Sea and in Libya to earn the necessary money to continue studying. At the same time as he began photography, he met the Roy Hart Theatre, and his life changed radically. He became totally engaged with the RHT, the voice work, theatre, and the life of the group. He has lived for the past 48 years focussing on the development and transmission of the vocal and theatrical work of the RHT in France and abroad.
David worked with Roy Hart, Robert Harvey, Richard Armstrong, Elisabeth Mayer, Marita Gunther, Derek Rossignol
He speaks English and French.
You can find his full CV at:


Vivian is the founder and director of Nose to Nose. He started clowning in 1978 and his researches have taken him to look at the uses of clowning in the field of teacher training, medicine, conflict management and ecology. He has taught in South Africa, USA, Europe, Senegal, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Italy, Germany, Norway…