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Clown 2-Clown Curiosity-Autumn Clown School-Residential 2023

Embracing the Unexpected

Friday 27th October-Wednesday 1st November

Friday beginning 6pm- Wednesday ending 2pm


Freitag 27. Oktober - Mittwoch 01.November 2023    

Freitag 18 Uhr- Mittwoch 14 Uhr


Diese zweite Stufe richtet den Fokus auf soziale Strukturen und Beziehungen. Die anspruchsvolleren Aspekte dieser Stufe sollen den Teilnehmern beibringen, auf der Bühne mehr auf den Partner und das Publikum sowie auf Bilder, Geschichten und Charaktere, die während einer Improvisation entstehen, einzugehen. In dieser Stufe wird die Unterrichtsweise verändert und es werden neue Methoden eingeführt, die tiefere Einsichten in die Techniken des Improvisierens und Darstellens ermöglichen. Neue Strukturen und Themen bringen größere Herausforderungen und verlangen mehr Präzision bei den Improvisationen.


This workshop will be held in easy-to-follow-English.


This course offers further practice of clowning with the focus on structure and relationship (such as the Elder-Younger structure).

At this level we practice responsiveness to and awareness of your partner on stage, your audience and the images,  stories and characters that emerge during improvisation. The teaching method will emphasise finding greater insights into the techniques of improvisation and performance, providing enough challenges and inspiration to take your understanding of this work forward. Clown 2 is a pre-requisite for Clown Chaos, Stage Clown and Social Clowning.


Close to the Danish border, at the narrowest point to the North and Baltic Seas. Schleswig and its surroundings have many cultural and nature experiences to offer. Tracing the Viking`s footsteps in Haithabu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

We will be staying at Klöndeel, a former farmhouse located in the small village of Loopstedt near Schleswig. Simple and loving furnishings and a large outdoor grounds will be our home.

The Klöndeel Association has existed since 1978 and is a non-profit organisation.

It is located in the middle of the nature reserve of the Haddebyer Noor. The immediate area is characterized by the Noor, an inland lake-like continuation of the Schlei, with belts of swamps and reeds, hills formed by the Ice Age and pastures of the farms.

The steep bank of the Haddebyer Noor has a deepening at this point and gives access to the water. The outdoor area with a sports and play area, numerous hedgerows and old trees, a small alder forest and an orchard meadow extends to the water and offers its own small sandy beach on the shore. On the other bank of the Noor, across from our bathing area, lies the famous Viking settlement of Haithabu. It can be reached on foot in about an hour.


Full board includes:

Shuttle from and to Schleswig Station arrival/depature

Clowning Workshop 10am - 6pm, first day starting evening, last day finishing at lunch.

Continental breakfast/daily organic main meal/evening meal



Individual arrival

From 4pm, latest 6pm on Friday  27th October.2023


Wednesday, 1st November 2023 after lunch


Facilitators: Angela Hopkins+Co-facilitator to be confirmed

Sprache: Englisch / Deutsch

Venue: Seminar- und Gruppenhaus Klöndeel

             Klöndeel Begegnungsstätte e.V.

             Noorweg 15

             24857 Loopsted

Participants: 14


Platz 1 single room "Schmetterling", shared bathroom  €500  + €485 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 2 single room "Krähe" shared bathroom  €500 + €485 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 3 single room "Specht" shared bathroom  €500 + €485 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 4 single room "Marienkäfer" shared bathroom €500 + €485 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 5 twin room en-suite "Fledermaus" €500 + 485 workshop fee-booked!

Platz 6 twin room en-suite "Fledermaus" €500 + 485 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 7 twin room "Maulwurf" shared bathroom  €450 + €485 workshop fee-booked!

Platz 8 twin room "Maulwurf" shared bathroom  €450 + €485 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 9 twin room "Igel" shared bathroom  €450 + €485 workshop fee-booked!

Platz 10 twin room "Igel" shared bathroom  €450 + €485 workshop fee-booked!

Platz 11 twin room  "Maus" shared bathroom €450 + €485 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 12 twin room  "Maus" shared bathroom €450 + €485 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 13 twin men's room en-suite "Eichhörnchen"  €450 + €485 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 14 twin men's room en-suite "Eichhörnchen"  €450 + €485 workshop fee 



When you book, you will receive an invoice for the workshop fee to save your space.

Accomodation/full board will be invoiced before the workshop begins.

Click below to book your space!


Booking / Anmeldung  


Cancellation policy

Should you wish to cancel your booking, your course fee will be reimbursed, if a replacement participant is found for your spot. The course will take place when at least 10 participants have signed up. If the course is cancelled, your payment will be refunded in full.

General Terms and Conditions



Bei Stornierung wird die Workshopgebühr zurückerstattet, wenn einen Ersatzteilnehmer gefunden wird. Der Workshop findet ab einer Mindestteilnehmerzahl von 10 Clowns statt. Für den Fall, dass der Workshop ausfällt, werden bereits bezahlte Beträge zurückerstattet.

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB)