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wanted: clown researchers


founded: clownforschung (clown research), a non-profit association


"Why are you here? What touches you about theater clowning? About research?” In August 2020, a group of people gathered to initiate the non-profit association called clownforschung answered these questions one a time. Two aspects connected the responses: one, inspiring experiences while clowning during workshops with Angela Hopkins or courses with a similar, person centered approach; and a love for the physical space, the remise, that has existed in Potsdam since 2018. The "werkstatt" has now relocated to Schleswig.


hopkins – werkstatt für clownforschung (workshop for clown research)


Purpose: to support the practice and investigation into clowning and continue to have a place for research into clown; to spread the responsibility, engagement and involvement from an individual, Angela Hopkins, to more people.  Sharing the weight of the responsibility was of particular importance during the current Corona crisis.


Process: first, found the association and elect a board. Next, find as many fellow members as possible.

You too could become a clown researcher!

Fine print: we welcome any form of support, be it as an association member, sympathizer or financial sponsor; you can choose to participate actively or passively, contribute small or large donations. You decide what works best for you.

Help us keep clowning growing and prospering: more clowning for everyone!


For more information, along with legal information about becoming a clown researcher, write to:


print the application membership and send to us.




