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Clown and Tango Klöndeel 2024

Clown and Tango

Friday 28th -Sunday 30th June 2024


Friday arrival 6pm

- Sunday depature  2pm


With Joy Winistoerfer (CH) and Bart Walter (BE)


"The Tango – these are two serious faces and four legs that amuse themselves."
Carlo Labin


Have you always dreamed of dancing tango, but never dared?

Or do you already dance and do you want to find more freedom in your dance?


In this weekend you're invited to search, under professional guidance, for your inner clown through Tango! You will learn to improvise in a cheerful atmosphere, to laugh at your strengths and weaknesses, to dance and enjoying being foolish. Let yourself be inspired by  the atmosphere of Tango: the passionate music, beautiful costumes, the ‘abrazo’ and your own male and/or female side.    


The music as well as the stylized form of Tango will inspire you to see the humor in tragedy. You will experience closeness as well as distance. You’ll learn to lead and to follow. You will overcome boundaries by embracing and hanging on to the opposite, and by this find your own balance. You’ll discover your own unique way of dancing Tango! 



und auf Deutsch.....


„Tango-das sind zwei ernste Mienen und vier Beine die sich amüsieren.“  - Carlos Labin


Mit Joy Winistoerfer und Bart Walter
Ein Wochenende lang bist Du eingeladen, Dich auf die Suche nach Deinem inneren Clown zu begeben und dabei in heiterer Atmosphäre über dich, dein Scheitern und deinen Erfolg zu lachen, zu improvisieren, zu tanzen und Narrenfreiheit zu erleben! Die Musik und der stilisierte Tanz des Tangos inspirieren dabei, in der Tragik Humor zu sehen, Nähe und Distanz zu erleben,Grenzen zu überwinden und im Gegenüber sein eigenes Gleichgewicht zu finden.

Sowohl Tango als auch Clowning lehren in Beziehung zu gehen und im Duo oder eben auch Solo, die volle Präsenz des Moments zu geniessen!



Workshop fee:

Clown and Tango Workshop, accomodation and full board.

First day starting evening, last day finishing at lunch.


  • Shuttle from and to Schleswig Station arrival/depature

  • Continental breakfast/daily organic main meal/evening meal

  • Refreshments 

Individual arrival from 5pm, latest 6pm on Friday  28th June

Departure Sunday, 30th June after lunch


Facilitators: Joy Winistoerfer und Bart Walter

Language: Englisch / Deutsch

Venue: Seminar- und Gruppenhaus Klöndeel

             Klöndeel Begegnungsstätte e.V.

             Noorweg 15

             24857 Loopstedt


Participants: minimun 8, maximum 14


Platz 1 single room "Schmetterling", workshop fee €455-booked!

Platz 2 single room "Krähe" workshop fee €455-booked!

Platz 3 single room "Specht" workshop fee €455-booked!

Platz 4 single room "Marienkäfer" workshop fee €455 -booked!

Platz 5 twin room en-suite "Fledermaus" workshop fee €455  -booked!

Platz 6 twin room en-suite "Fledermaus" workshop fee €455 -booked!

Platz 7 twin room "Maulwurf"  workshop fee €440 -booked!

Platz 8 twin room "Maulwurf"  workshop fee €440 -booked!

Platz 9 twin room "Igel"  workshop fee €440-booked!

Platz 10 twin room "Igel"  workshop fee €440-booked!

Platz 11 triple room  "Maus" workshop fee €430

Platz 12 triple room  "Maus"  workshop fee €430 -booked!

Platz 13 triple room  "Maus"  workshop fee €430


When you book,you will receive an invoice from Clownsense (Bart Walter) for the workshop fee, including accomodation/full board. 


Click below to book your space!


Booking / Anmeldung  






Joy Winistoerfer


Schon als Kind war die Bühne meine Welt.

Den ersten Schwarzweissfilm von Grock sah ich in einem alten Kino in Paris, auch das erste Tangolied lernte ich dort. Weiter ging die Suche was Kopf und Herz begeistert, -führte mich immer dem Herzen folgend bis nach Buenos Aires, wo ich weiterhin Komik und Drama zu verbinden versuchte, und im Tangotanz meine Leidenschaft entdeckte.

Die Duo-Situation als kunstvolle Beziehungsform in Tanz und auf der Bühne fasziniert mich.

Hier kannst du mehr erfahren über Joy












Bart Walter

I learned the profession of clown early. At a young age (9 years old) I was already improvising with people on the street, something I still do today.

After the visual arts academy and a Butoh training in Japan, I made many performances, in which I mix different passions; theater with strong images, beautiful texts, poetic dance, light clowning and enchanting marionettes.

Since 2004 I have been working as a clown in healthcare (clinic clowns, healthcare clowns, Drs Zinzin, les clowns à l'hôpital, contact clowns in healthcare).

Over time I have become more and more fascinated with teaching. In how to help people a step further on their quest, on an artistic and personal level. And by doing that I also feel myself growing and opening.


Hier kannst du mehr erfahren über Bart










orga/cooking for you this weekend....


Angela Hopkins

a clown (La) , trained as facilitator with NosetoNose in London. Angela founded and runs hopkins / workshop for clown research, clowning workshops and further education courses throughout Germany and internationally.

Born in Bristol (UK), raised both in the UK and in Germany, shy by nature, mother of four, co-founder of a holistic farm for youth with special needs, Waldorf English teacher and project manager, Scottish touring cook, and clowning facilitator. The common threads in every aspect of her life are play, playfulness and joy.










