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Clown Retreat- EAT.PLAY.LOVE. 2023

Clown Retreat

8 days Ostseefjörd Schlei

Saturday 5th- Saturday 12th August 2023


Watch the video



We will retreat from our respective everyday life, an invitation to find relaxation as well as fun- clowning in a protected space in nature.

Meditation and Yoga will be offered in the mornings for the early birds and after breakfast we will clown for the first half of the day.

We can enjoy our home cooked meals under the trees and the stars-all prepared with the best ingredient-love. We can sing, dance, and play and have a great time to remember!

An all-inclusive, exclusive “treat retreat”-

We invite you to afternoon activities and explorations that you may join if you wish-otherwise there is plenty of time to sit under a tree and read a book or whatever it is you long to do and never get around to doing…



This is for any clowns and “clownstobe” in need of a holiday with a balance of active yet decelerated clowning and time to relax. No prerequisites needed. Just you as you are in this moment in your life.



Close to the Danish border, at the narrowest point to the North and Baltic Seas. Schleswig and its surroundings have many cultural and nature experiences to offer. Tracing the Viking`s footsteps in Haithabu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Water sports activities (SUP and Kanu), the impressive Gottorf Castle on Schleswig’s museum island, the beautiful Baroque Garden and the Giant Globe, the City Museum or the St. Petri Cathedral, the fishermen's settlement Holm are just a few of the interesting places Schleswig has to offer.

We will be staying at Klöndeel, a former farmhouse located in the small village of Loopstedt near Schleswig. Simple and loving furnishings and a large outdoor grounds will be our home for the 8 day Clown Retreat and Relax.

The Klöndeel Association has existed since 1978 and is a non-profit organisation.

It is located in the middle of the nature reserve of the Haddebyer Noor. The immediate area is characterized by the Noor, an inland lake-like continuation of the Schlei, with belts of swamps and reeds, hills formed by the Ice Age and pastures of the farms.

The steep bank of the Haddebyer Noor has a deepening at this point and gives access to the water. The outdoor area with a sports and play area, numerous hedgerows and old trees, a small alder forest and an orchard meadow extends to the water and offers its own small sandy beach on the shore. On the other bank of the Noor, across from our bathing area, lies the famous Viking settlement of Haithabu. It can be reached on foot in about an hour.


Clowning Workshop 6 x  

Daily Meditation and Yoga

3 course organic meals/continental breakfast

Excursions in Haitabu/Noor/Schleswig



Nicht eingeschlossen: Anreise, alkoholische Getränke, persönliche Ausgaben

Individuelle Anreise:

Ab 15:00 Uhr, Spätestens bis 17.30 Uhr am Samstag, den 05.08.2023


Am Samstag, den 12.08.2023 um 11.00 Uhr



Look!  Plan Klöndeel 2023



Facilitator: Angela Hopkins / Sinikka Lumiluoto

Languauges Englisch/ Deutsch



Platz 1 single room "Marienkäfer" €800 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 2 twin room "Maulwurf" €600 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee-booked!

Platz 3  single room "Schmetterling" €800 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee-booked!

Platz 4 triple room " Maus" €500 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee-booked!

Platz 5 single room "Specht" €800 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee-booked!

Platz 6 single room "Krähe" €800 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee-booked!

Platz 7 triple room " Maus" €500 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee-booked!

Platz 8 triple room "Maus" €500 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee-booked!

Platz 9 twin room "Igel" €600single all inclusive + €425 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 10 twin room "Igel" €600 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 11 twin room "Maulwurf" €600 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee-booked!

Platz 12 twin room ensuite "Fledermaus" €650 all inclusive + 425 workshop fee - booked! 

Platz 13 twin room "Marienkäfer" €600 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 14  twin room "Eichhörnchen" €600 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee -booked!

Platz 15 twin room "Eichhörnchen" €600 all inclusive + €425 workshop fee -booked!



Anmeldung/Booking- (bitte Zimmerwunschname bei der Anmeldung angeben)


If we are fully booked, please contact me- we can work something out...


Bei Stornierung wird die Workshopgebühr zurückerstattet, wenn einen Ersatzteilnehmer gefunden wird. Der Workshop findet ab einer Mindestteilnehmerzahl von 12 Clowns statt. Für den Fall, dass der Workshop ausfällt, werden bereits bezahlte Beträge zurückerstattet.

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB)




the place


Seminar- und Gruppenhaus Klöndeel

Klöndeel Begegnungsstätte e.V.

Noorweg 15

24857 Loopstedt


the facilitator



a clown (La) , trained as facilitator with NosetoNose in London. Angela founded and runs the remise / workshop for clown research in Potsdam, runs clowning workshops and further education courses throughout Germany and internationally. Angela Hopkins thrives in the spaces between cultures and languages, ideals and realities, the mundane and the absurd, tragic and comic. Clowning opened up the doors to all these inspiring worlds and more. Born in Bristol (UK), raised both in the UK and in Germany, shy by nature, mother of four, co-founder of Timeout a holistic farm for youth with special needs, Waldorf English teacher and project manager, Scottish touring cook, and clowning facilitator. The common threads in every aspect of her life are play, playfulness and joy.


As a trained and accredited facilitator, I am committed to inform my practice of teaching clowning from a person-centered approach to exploring the inner clown. I stay true to this spirit of clowning by positively respecting each person’s creative process. It is my conviction that by focusing on an individual’s process, encouraging emotional expression, we get to the heart of working with the theater clown. In clowning, we support the search for authenticity, freeing the imagination and nurturing connection to oneself and others which in turn enriches both the social and personal dimensions of our lives.


I look forward to sharing a wonder- full week with you!






special guest 

Sinikka lumiluoto


Sinikka, the nordic clown! 

Her speciality is her dramatic subtelty.


Sinikka will be co-facilitating and we`re all going to have fun together!





the cooks

Wilfried and Uwe 


Two Northern Lights who will take care of your culinary wishes and needs, using seasonal, local and organic produce where possible.


What`s cooking?

Enjoy the wonderful aroma  and the delicious taste of real home and wholesome cooking.

We will take care of your culinary wishes and needs. Vegans, vegetarians, flexitarians, pescatarians..all are welcome! 

3 courses, choice of soup or salad starters, mains and desert. Fresh home baked breads and cake.

Continental style breakfast with fresh fruit, musli, porridge, yoghurt, cheese and cold meat platters, toast .




Tricia Bloch


"Ich tanze seit ich mich erinnern kann.... ich glaube ich habe mit fünf
Jahren angefangen... Ballett, Tap Dance, Jazz... das war damals in den
 USA. Nun bin ich beinah 25 Jahren in Deutschland und unterrichte Hauptberuflich
 seit über 20 Jahren im raum Schleswig-Flensburg und Hamburg. Stepptanz ist mein
 Hauptfach, Hip Hop und Urban Dance sind meine zweite Leidenschaft. Seit ein
 paar Jahren erweitert außerdem  Hatha Yoga mein Spektrum (Yogalehrerin 500, BYV / Yoga Personal Trainerin, UnitYoga) und ist seit etwa 10 Jahren meine Begleitung im Alltag."