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Where Psychotherapy Meets Clowning

(English version below)
Freitag 14.- Montag 17.April
          Freitag  16:32 - 21:39 Uhr
              Samstag 10:01 - 19:06 Uhr
                    Sonntag  10:04 - 19:07 Uhr
                             Montag  10:32 - 18:33 Uhr
MasterClass&Certification on HumorDrama&Paradoxical  Coaching , Gibberish Improvisation,The Art of Nonsense.
Anerkannte Meisterklasse 30\32 hours

“Wenn du dein Bestes gibst, endet das in einer Katastrophe. Bitte gib nicht dein Bestes
(Keith Johnstone)

“Man sollte dem Patienten nicht nur beibringen, seine Angst anzunehmen, sondern auch, darüber zu lachen. Das verlangt den Mut, sich lächerlich zu machen”(Viktor Frankl)

Wenn wir lachen, brechen wir immer Normen und erfahren das Unerwartete. Humor Drama und paradoxes Coaching machen alte Glaubensmuster sichtbar und bieten neue an.
Dadurch erreichen wir in Stressituationen den nötigen Abstand, um uns wieder wohl zu fühlen. Mit dieser Methode lernen wir, Schwierigkeiten, Schwächen, Ängste, Herausforderungen und unangenehme Gefühle zuzulassen.
Durch Humor Drama und paradoxes Coaching können wir neue Wahlmöglichkeiten erkennen, so dass die begrenzenden Gefühle ihre Macht über uns verlieren. So wird es möglich, über uns selbst zu lachen und uns selbst zu akzeptieren.
In diesem Workshop werden wir viel lachen, die unmöglichsten Dinge spielend erleben, improvisieren und lernen, wie wir den logischen Verstand ausschalten können.
Wir alle besitzen bestimmte Schwächen, Unvollkommenheiten und Erfahrungen, die mit Scham und Schuld, Zurückweisung, Angst und Agression zu tun haben.
Im Seminar werden wir lernen, diese Anteile von uns bewusst wahrzunehmen und kennenzulernen. Das erreichen wir mit Hilfe von Humor, Übertreibung und Clownarbeit

Alex Sternick ist Ernährungsberater und Trainer für humorvolle Improvisation, Nonsense und paradoxe Darstellung auf der Bühne. In seiner Arbeit hilft er Menschen, ihre Schwierigkeiten, Unvollkommenheiten und Herausforderungen im Leben anzunehmen – mit Hilfe von Bühnenarbeit und Humor.
Den ganzen Lebenslauf von Alex Sternick findet man hier. 

Das Seminar wendet sich im Besonderen an:
PlayBack Theater
NLP Coaches
LIFE Coaches
Schauspieler und andere Künstler
Lachyoga Trainer und Lehrer
und alle interessierten Menschen.
Es sind keine Voraussetzungen notwendig, um an der Veranstaltung teilzunehmen


Workshopleitung: Alex Sternick

Sprache: Englisch 

Ort: remise/werkstatt für clownforschung

Teilnehmer: 12

Workshop fee: Plätze: 1-6 : € 425- ausgebucht!


                        Plätze: 6-12 : € 473- ausgebucht!





Bei Stornierung wird die Workshopgebühr zurückerstattet, wenn einen Ersatzteilnehmer gefunden wird. Der Workshop findet ab einer Mindestteilnehmerzahl von 8 Clowns statt. Für den Fall, dass der Workshop ausfällt, werden bereits bezahlte Beträge zurückerstattet.

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB)



(German version above)


Friday 14th- Monday 17th


           Friday 16:32 - 21:39 pm
               Saturday 10:01 am - 19:06 pm
                    Sunday 10:04 am - 19:07 pm 
                            Monday  10:32 am - 18:33 pm


"To Truly Laugh, One Should be able  to take his pain and PLAY with it " (Charlie Chaplin)



English version


MasterClass&Certification on HumorDrama&Paradoxical  Coaching , Gibberish Improvisation,The Art of Nonsense. 
30\32 hours


“If you do your best, it ends in disaster. Please don't do your best
(Keith Johnstone)


“One should not only teach the patient to accept his fear, but also to laugh at it. That requires the courage to make a fool of yourself” (Viktor Frankl)


When we laugh, we always break norms and experience the unexpected. Humor drama and paradoxical coaching make old beliefs visible and offer new ones.
This gives us the necessary distance in stressful situations to feel good again. With this method we learn to allow difficulties, weaknesses, fears, challenges and unpleasant feelings.
Through humor drama and paradoxical coaching, we can see new choices so that the limiting emotions lose their power over us. This makes it possible to laugh at ourselves and accept ourselves.
In this workshop we will laugh a lot, experience the most impossible things through play, improvise and learn how to switch off the logical mind.
We all have certain weaknesses, imperfections, and experiences related to shame and guilt, rejection, fear, and aggression.
In the seminar we will learn to consciously perceive and get to know these parts of ourselves. We achieve this with the help of humor, exaggeration and clown work.

Another very important Motif which will be introduced quite in an elaborating way,  is NON DESTRUCTIVE AGGRESSIVENESS , CREATIVE ANGER (Psyhcologist Bach , Keith Johnstone)

We will also practice the Concept of EuStress  "Hormesis" (Positive Stress) through clowning.


The Training draws much of its essence from Viktor Frankl's LogoDrama (Paradoxical Intentions) and Alfred Adler's AutoSugestia. Mainly Frankl. The Same idea is applied through Therapeutic Clowning, Wisdom of Fools and Nonsense. 
It is an invitation to Artistic Clowns to play with Therapeutic Clowning, Therapeutic Clowning was introduced in Germany also in different mental clinics by HumorCare Germany &Austria.

Alex Sternick is a nutritionist and coach for humorous improvisation, nonsense and paradoxical performance on stage. In his work he helps people to accept their difficulties, imperfections and challenges in life - with the help of stage work and humor.
Alex Sternick's entire CV can be found here.

The seminar is aimed in particular at:
(Clinic) clowns
drama therapists
PlayBack Theater
NLP coaches
LIFE coaches
actors and other artists
Laughter yoga trainer and teacher
and all interested people.
There are no prerequisites to attend the event


Facilitator: Alex Sternick

Language: English

Location: remise/workshop for clown research

Participants: 12

Workshop fee: places: 1-6 : € 425- fully booked!


                        places: 6-12 : € 475 - fully booked! Waiting list only




In the event of cancellation, the workshop fee will be refunded if a replacement participant is found. The workshop takes place with a minimum of 8 clowns. In the event that the workshop is cancelled, amounts already paid will be refunded.

Terms and Conditions (GTC)





read more about Alex and his work......

19.9.2022 Recent Podcast Befriending with Our Pain and Dis-Ease Voluntarily- HumorDrama

An interview -Podcast with Pete Cann- 2022- LIFE IS ILLOGICAL Laught about it
10.2015 Interview by Swami BeyondAnanda entitled 'The Sense Behind the Nonsense"

What is HumorDrama and Provocative\Paradoxical Intentions on Stage, Treat the same with the Same  (Homeopathy) using Acting Watch
In Praktikum from Tokyo 10.2015+Geneva 04.2016- HUMORDRAMA FOR EXAMPLE Watch

Video Installationon Authentic Acting , work on STATUS , Top Journalist and an important artist being inside the fire without reaching to Climax, the enjoyment in the slow acting- by doing the interview in Gibberish - The spectators never guess the languge is an intelligable one rather they wll try to guess the language  BBC like interview- down the video you can read the 'sinopsis' behind:

articles i  published- from the British Mag of Positive Psycho:

Paradoxical Decisions taken in life embodied with Self Humor and Applied Improv in Life- The way of the Fool- 
Article i wrote in 2013- playing with Nonsense, Gibberish and Power of Creativity and Improvisation,Meaning and Purpose in our lives (Frankl):
In the group masterclass (i also work 1 to 1)we learn how to feel fully, meet, befriend with different 'hard' feelings like 'being offended or rejected' and play with it AT WILL until the discomfort is melted away- see here- we Use usually Gibberish or any other bypassing intelect intervention on Stage:
Another element , also non-conformist, and non-linear is giving a full room to the aggressiveness in the less Destructive way. affiliated to psychologist Bach - Non Destructive Aggressiveness- through Acting, by separation the turbulent mind and the emotions- Switzerland 2018:
The Game Igor\Boris - (Interogator and Suspect) Improv
An article on me from the Wiesbadener Kurier-German Newspaper 4.2009-Training in Germany i was invited to facillitate in the Humor Church in WiesBaden